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Home/Products/Texture Base Sheet

Key Features

Coated with a blue pigmented sealer that uses Ceminseal® water block technology on the sheet face and edges.

Recessed edges for flush jointing are 35mm long and 2mm deep and are on the long sides only.

Suitable for Class 1 and 10 and 2 to 9 buildings.

Suitable for Fire Resistance Levels (FRLs) up to 90/90/90 with wall systems constructed with Gyprock Fyrchek™ Commercial Plasterboard (refer to Gyprock® The Red Book™)

The Texture Base Sheet is Cemintel®’s blue board product for creating a rendered texture on exterior walls. It’s a 7.5mm fibre cement sheet, with recessed edges for flush jointed external walls. The cement sheets have a coating of blue primer, which is why they’re called blue board.

Texture Base Sheets are generally used on upper stories, cantilevered features and above long span openings like garage doors. The cement sheets are used in places that require a jointless render texture aesthetic and where it’s impractical to construct and support a heavy rendered masonry wall.

Technical Information

Texture Base Sheet Panel Information

The Cemintel Texture Base Sheet is a key component when constructing a lightweight rendered wall. When properly installed using the proprietary jointing, framing and coating system, Cemintel Texture Base Sheets enable the creation of a seamless, weather resistant facades. These are ideal for timber and steel framed construction. They can be direct fixed or cavity fixed to create a ventilated and drained cavity system.

The Texture Base Sheet cladding system essentially covers the exterior walls of a building and is a key component in providing weather resistance, acoustic, thermal and fire resisting performance. Refer to the CSR Gyprock® The Red Book™ for the Texture Base Sheet wall systems and associated performance properties.

The lightweight properties of fibre cement; toughness, durability and moisture damage resistance, combined with the wide range of textured and coloured coating options available, make the product ideal for both new construction and renovation additions to existing buildings.

The pre-primed base sheets are typically installed vertically and are available in common brick wall heights with panels options being:

  • 2440 x 1200 x 7.5mm
  • 2725 x 1200 x 7.5mm
  • 3000 x 1200 x 7.5mm

The fibre cement sheets are suitable for use in exterior wall applications where non-combustible materials are specified by the Deemed to Satisfy Provisions of the National Construction Code (NCC) Volume One clause C2D1 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions (6) (d).
Bushfire performance: up to BAL 29, for a standard wall, and BAL 40 Flame Zone when incorporated with a ‘fire-rated plasterboard’ wall system constructed in accordance with Australian Standard AS3959.

Texture Coating Recommendations

  • Cemintel recommends that the joint system and texture coat used are supplied by the same manufacturer to ensure compatibility of materials.
  • Usually, suitable coating systems are 100% acrylic, high performance, elastomeric membrane waterproofing coatings. Such as Dulux Acratex 955 or Wattyl Granolmpact or similar.

Texture Base Sheet Specifications

Spacing (mm)
Effective Cover
Per Unit (m2)
Width (mm)
Per Unit
Warranty (Years)
10240Texture Base Sheet120024407.5BluePreprimedn/a2.93120011.734.2810BAL-29
10241Texture Base Sheet120027257.5BluePreprimedn/a3.27120011.738.2610BAL-29
10242Texture Base Sheet120030007.5BluePreprimedn/a3.6120011.742.1210BAL-29

Technical Resources

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